Sunday, January 9, 2011

Classification of Cats (By : Anita Eka Puspita)


     Cat is a cute animal for many people. And some people assume that cat is like a mystic animal. As you know, Spinx. Cat has some types actually. These are three types of cats; race cat, wild cat, and pretty cat.
Race cat is a type cat as we know in common. We see this type very often. There are two kinds of race cat; race cats or pet race cats and outside race cats. Inside race cats or pet race cats are race cats that living in home and cleaner than outside race cats. They usually clean and look fresh. Even outside race cats are not living at home but they are not too dangerous. But keep your healthy when you’re near this type.
Wild cat is also called jungle cat. One of the characteristic is has sharp ear. They are two kinds of jungle cat, serval and karakal. Serval is from Asia and Karakal is from Africa. One of the most popular jungle cat is Lynx.
Pretty cat is the most exclusive cat than others. It also known as competition cat. For example, there are Persian and Anggora. They have Most favorite cats and most expensive.
Those are three types of cats, now we know that cat is also an unique animal. But if you interesting to decide cat as your pet don’t forget to keep them clean. And the most important thing keep yourself and people around you healthy. Enjoy carrying cat.

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