Monday, January 10, 2011

The Ethnic Diversity in Surabaya (By : Aulia Anis)

    The multicultural system in Indonesia make its people live in diversity, including in Surabaya, the people are classified depend on its ethnic. Everybody knows that Indonesia is very famous because of its multicultural and its various of ethnic. Actually, there are two types of ethnical in Indonesia. First the ethnics who is originally and truly Indonesia. They are a 100 percent pribumi Indonesia. In fact, our beloved country has more than a hundred original Indonesia ethnics which separated to more than thousand island, for example Javanese, Batak, Dayak, Papua, they called suku. Another type is an descendant people, who usually come from foreign country and lived in Indonesia for a long time. The three biggest ethnical in Surabaya itself divided into Indigeneous people, Chinese people, and Arabic people.
            The majority of Surabaya citizen, of course, is Indigeneous people. Like it is mentioned before, an Indigeneous people is the people that truly and originally come from Indonesia. Even that, they also come from various region from around Indonesia. Wherever island and ethnical they are come from, they called as Indigeneous people. Because Surabaya located in Java island, most Surabayan is Javanese, especially eastern java. But still, there are many Indonesian ethnic who live in Surabaya, such as Madura people, Batak people, Jakarta people, Kalimantan people, etc.
            The second ethnic who live in Surabaya is Chinese people. Chinese people are descendant people who live in Indonesia, even they also called as an Indonesian because they had been here for a long time since eleven century. They are Indonesia but have a blood of Chinese. This ethnic known as the high class community who success in economical sector here, in business and commodity. But Chinese people usually live in a group with other Chinese, that makes them look  different. Beside that, the physical appearance of Chinese people, white skin and usually wear mini dress, also looked in society.
            Arabic people is the third ethnic who live in Surabaya. Like Chinese, they are Indonesian but Arabic descendant and have Arabic blood. This ethnic had already been in Indonesia since 8 century. This is a big foreign group in Indonesia since Islam came to Indonesia, and become the biggest religion. Arabic descendant usually come from Saudi Arabia, Maroko, Turkey, and other middle-east country. The Arabic centre in Surabaya is in North Surabaya, usually well known as Ampel. You can find many kinds of Arabic there. One thing that make Arabic famous is because they have their own culture and habit, especially the food culture that attract many Surabaya people.
            We can know that Surabaya has diversity in people culture and ethnic. Like mentioned above, Indigeneous people is the majority citizen in Surabaya, Chinese people become the second ethnic, and the third is Arabic. The diversity of Surabaya Citizen state above, make Surabaya rich of cultural thing. The most important value that can be learned is even they have different culture, they can live together and become one Surabaya Citizen.

1 comment:

  1. in mu grandmom's area between pribumi, chinese, and arabic are balance. ^^
