Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Causes of Obesity in Children (By : Rika Tri Ariani)

Nowadays, obesity is not only found in adult but also in children. We can find many children obesity around us especially in the big cities. Basically obesity that suffered in children need to be awarded because it leads to some disadvantages for their future life. Unfortunately, children do not really understand about the serious problem that may are going get in the future because of obesity.  Therefore, parents must take this responsibility to take care their children from the obesity threat. One of things parents need to know is kinds of factor that causes obesity in children. Generally there are three main factors that cause obesity in children is genetics, poor parenting skill and lack knowledge, and life style.
Firstly, factor that can cause obesity in children is genetic. Genetic gives big role in determine that someone can become obese person or not. Parents who already have problem with obesity before them marriage mostly will also have obesity children. Research in Oxford University, Exeter, and Peninsula Medical School finds that genetic really relate to the obesity risk in human body. Genetic factor will be the best answer for parents who said that they have already managed their children food supply and asked to do lot of activities, but their children still have obesity problem. Yet, the genetic factor may not lead to worse effect if parents aware and have enough knowledge about this and how to solve it.
Secondly, poor parenting skill and lack of knowledge that parents have also give big contribution to make their children have obesity problem. Common mistake that parents believe about obesity children are health children because parents feel sad if they have thin children and will fell happy if they have obesity children. That common mistake in society make parents does not aware with the risk of obesity that their children suffer. Moreover, due to the lack of knowledge that parents have, they feed their children excessively by taking thought that eating much food can make child’s body healthier.
The last factor that lead children have obesity body is life style. Nowadays, in the modern era when everything is made in instant time and process, make people life style change. It is happened not only for adult but also for children. The easiest example of the changing life style that relate to the obesity risk is the food consumption. Today, we can find fast food restaurant everywhere. This kinds of restaurant mostly offered junk food than healthy food. Children enjoy having meal in this kind of restaurant because the taste of the food is delicious for them and the restaurants usually provide the many games. On the contrary, research has found that consume junk food for long time or big portion will lead to obesity risk. That is why we can found many obesity children in this modern era than some years ago when parents prefer to feed their children with home food than from fast food restaurant.
There are many factors that cause obesity in children. The obesity condition in growing age like children may lead them toward some diseases in the future. Therefore, parents’ roles to control their children health are really needed. Then, the first thing that parents can do to avoid obesity in their children are recognize some factors that may lead their children in obesity condition such as genetics, poor parenting skill and lack knowledge, and life style. With that knowledge is expected for parents can decrease the number of obesity children in the future.

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