Monday, January 10, 2011

The Ethnic Diversity in Surabaya (By : Aulia Anis)

    The multicultural system in Indonesia make its people live in diversity, including in Surabaya, the people are classified depend on its ethnic. Everybody knows that Indonesia is very famous because of its multicultural and its various of ethnic. Actually, there are two types of ethnical in Indonesia. First the ethnics who is originally and truly Indonesia. They are a 100 percent pribumi Indonesia. In fact, our beloved country has more than a hundred original Indonesia ethnics which separated to more than thousand island, for example Javanese, Batak, Dayak, Papua, they called suku. Another type is an descendant people, who usually come from foreign country and lived in Indonesia for a long time. The three biggest ethnical in Surabaya itself divided into Indigeneous people, Chinese people, and Arabic people.
            The majority of Surabaya citizen, of course, is Indigeneous people. Like it is mentioned before, an Indigeneous people is the people that truly and originally come from Indonesia. Even that, they also come from various region from around Indonesia. Wherever island and ethnical they are come from, they called as Indigeneous people. Because Surabaya located in Java island, most Surabayan is Javanese, especially eastern java. But still, there are many Indonesian ethnic who live in Surabaya, such as Madura people, Batak people, Jakarta people, Kalimantan people, etc.
            The second ethnic who live in Surabaya is Chinese people. Chinese people are descendant people who live in Indonesia, even they also called as an Indonesian because they had been here for a long time since eleven century. They are Indonesia but have a blood of Chinese. This ethnic known as the high class community who success in economical sector here, in business and commodity. But Chinese people usually live in a group with other Chinese, that makes them look  different. Beside that, the physical appearance of Chinese people, white skin and usually wear mini dress, also looked in society.
            Arabic people is the third ethnic who live in Surabaya. Like Chinese, they are Indonesian but Arabic descendant and have Arabic blood. This ethnic had already been in Indonesia since 8 century. This is a big foreign group in Indonesia since Islam came to Indonesia, and become the biggest religion. Arabic descendant usually come from Saudi Arabia, Maroko, Turkey, and other middle-east country. The Arabic centre in Surabaya is in North Surabaya, usually well known as Ampel. You can find many kinds of Arabic there. One thing that make Arabic famous is because they have their own culture and habit, especially the food culture that attract many Surabaya people.
            We can know that Surabaya has diversity in people culture and ethnic. Like mentioned above, Indigeneous people is the majority citizen in Surabaya, Chinese people become the second ethnic, and the third is Arabic. The diversity of Surabaya Citizen state above, make Surabaya rich of cultural thing. The most important value that can be learned is even they have different culture, they can live together and become one Surabaya Citizen.

Indonesian Superhero and American Superhero (By : Nadia Maya Ardiani)

Who never heard about the term “superhero”? Everbody must be know what  superhero means. Almost every child in this world everdreamed about being a superhero when they were still little. Having a superpower, being able to be invisible or moving things from the distance seems so tantalizing to us. All countries have their own superheroes. But, since the world citizens are not homogenous, so does the superheroes. In example, Indonesian superheroes and American superheroes are different in some spesific characteristics. Beside the diversities, they also have some similarities.
First, it is about their power. American superheroes usually have physical or chemical powers such as laser eyes, being invisible or having an elastic body. Indonesian superhero tend to have metaphysical or supernatural powers, such as Gathotkaca’s or Sukir’s power.
Second, their weapon. American superheroes have some very sophisticated weapons. Just like Batman, we can see that he has Batmobile (his car) and other machinery. Instead sophisticated weapon, Indonesian superheroes tend to bring some traditional weapons like keris or arch and bow.. Some Indonesian superheroes don’t even have any weapon.
The following difference is how they got their power. Indonesian superheroes usually got their power from birth. American superheroes usually got their power because of mutation.
Beside those three differences, they also have some similarities. Here are the similarities.
Both of them have a good purpose in doing their action. They want to help people, defend, and protect them from bad things.
And then, both of them are ordinary people in their daily life. If nothing’s bad happen, they won’t reveal their superhero identity. They prefer to keep their superhero identity unexposed.
Even if they’re different in some ways, Indonesian and American superheroes are good and unique un their own way.

Korean Drama and Indonesian Drama (By : Rika Tri Ariani)

Korea culture is spread out around the world, included Indonesia. This wave is mostly known as Korean fever. This phenomenon stars grow faster around the world since the beginning of 1990s with electronic media especially televise and internet as the mediator. The boom of Korea drama is one of the indicators of the Korea fever. In Indonesia itself the phenomena of Korea drama especially attack teenager. As the consequence, Indonesia people start to compare Korea drama and Indonesia drama. It become a big question, why Korea drama can become popular around the world, include Indonesia, then Indonesian drama itself does not really only liked by part of Indonesia people itself. Actually, there are some similarities between Korea and Indonesian drama such as the existence of love scene in all kinds of drama and the type of actor and actress which play in drama. Then, they also have differentiates that make Korea drama can become more popular than Indonesian drama, such as the conflict in story and amount of the episodes.
 Korea and Indonesian drama have similarities in some way. First, not only Korea drama but also Indonesian drama mostly contain romantic or love story. They must be having love scene although the drama is not about love theme. Yet, the drama always shows a kind of scene when there is man who falling in love to woman. Even though the frequencies of these love scenes are not as many as the real romantic drama but Indonesia and Korea must be having this scene. For example, a Korea history drama title Great Queen Seon Deok which tell about the history of first women leader in Korea, also has some love scenes although this drama actually tell about the history of South Korea kingdom.
Second, both of Korea and Indonesian drama always use the same type of actress or actor. The players of drama always people who are handsome and beautiful who have high standard beauty than common people. The main character of drama is never played by actor who only has standard of beauty. It is like an obligation for drama to use handsome actor and beautiful actress as the main character who always happy and important person then people with standard beauty always portrayed as unimportant people. However,  in reality, not only handsome and beautiful people in the world who become important person. Yet, many ugly people in the real world who becomes an important person such as Einstein, he absolutely has standard appearance but he is important figure. So in the other word, Korea and Indonesian drama similar to make unreal story to their viewers not only by the choice of the actor but also by other points which can be difficult to explain one by one here.
After two similarities which Korea and Indonesian drama have, absolutely they also have some differentiates. The differentiates must be quiet big because in the reality Korea drama success spread out around the world and become a phenomena then Indonesian drama just known by Indonesia people. Moreover, Indonesian drama itself does not really liked, even hated, by some of Indonesia people.
The biggest differentiate between Korea and Indonesian drama is the amount of episodes. Korea dramas usually just contain about sixteen until twenty episodes. There are some Korea dramas which contain more than twenty episodes, but it will not be more than fifty episodes. Then Indonesian drama can has more than hundreds of episodes. For the example Cinta Fitri, one of popular drama in Indonesia, it already has had more than 800 episodes and the story has not finished yet. The total of episodes can give direct effect for the viewers. More long the episodes, people become lazier to watch the drama because it is like the story will not have ending and just spend our time useless. Then, Korea drama with fewer episodes than Indonesian drama is easily to follow and it is not spend much our time just to watch drama.
Second differentiate between Korea drama and Indonesian drama is the conflict in the story. Korean drama is always focus on the single main conflict and another just some plots which guide the viewers to the main conflict then viewers can understand the main conflict and the story well. Instead Indonesian drama always has multiple conflicts which become more complicated episode by episode. This multiple conflict makes the viewers confused to decide which the biggest conflict and which is the main resolution for each conflict. So, in Indonesian drama when one conflict has been solved then it will appear new conflict which more difficult and big. Otherwise when one conflict has been solved, it will lead to another conflict which more complicated. The inconsistence and complicated of Indonesia drama make viewers underestimated the quality of Indonesian drama and give more attention to Korea drama which give most simple conflict but packaged in good ways. The complicated and confusing conflict make Indonesian drama is not interesting to watch.
Finally, Korean drama and Indonesian are similar in some way but also differ in the other way. Between Korea and Indonesian drama have some points which are same such as love story and romantic scene in all type of drama, even the theme of the drama is not love. Then both Korea and Indonesian drama always use actor with high standard of beauty as the main character. Yet, Korea and Indonesian drama also differ in some important point such as the conflict in the story and amount of the episodes. It is supposed to be better for Indonesia drama to learn from Korean drama the keys that make Korean drama can be so popular. Due to if Indonesian drama can become as popular as Korea drama, it can be used as media to introduce and spread Indonesian culture.

Laptop and Notebook (By : Anita Eka Puspita)

     Nowadays technology is growing up such as laptop and notebook which change computer. As we know in modern area everything is gonna be simpler and more flexible. So, computer has some new styles now. Even laptop and notebook are similar, both of them have some differences.
     First of the differences is the meaning of the name. Laptop is from the words LAP and TOP. This thing is on the lap of the user. Beside that notebook is from the words NOTE and BOOK, means kind of a note which we carrying everywhere but effective. So, the LAPTOP and NOTEBOOK not only a name but have a meaning of the thing.
     The second difference is physical of them. For laptop, it has bigger LCD around 13,5” – 17”. On the body it has more port USB and inside it there is bigger SPEC. And when laptop broken it’s easier to fix and the last for the strength it more heatproof. On the other hand, notebook has smaller LCD around 8,5” – 12”. On the body, notebook has less port USB and there is smaller SPEC inside. Of course it is more difficult than laptop to fix when broken and also les s strength in heat.
     Talk about physical, don’t forget about the price. Laptop is more expensive because from the physical laptop is better even more heavy. Then laptop is better for you who has a skill in design and graphic. So, notebook is cheaper because the real function of notebook is simpler and not really heavy.
     The last difference is the effect for our eyes. It is the most important thing that you have to attend when you want to buy laptop or notebook. Laptop is better for our eyes when we use it for a long time than notebook. Notebook makes our eyes tired faster or easier when we use it for a long time.
     Now we know about the differences between laptop and notebook. Choose the best one for you. Don’t forget to consider both of them which one do you prefer? Laptop or Notebook? You’re the owner and that’s your decision.

Effects of Delaying Work (By : Nadia Maya Ardiani)

            Sometimes, when we just got home from work or from school and finding that there are so many things to do at home we will say, “Ah, we can do it later!” or “I’ll do that tomorrow.” Then, tomorrow we will simply delay to do that again. Then suddenly it’s already Sunday night, and we get panic because our tasks are not finished yet. See, delaying our work or task have absolutely so many bad effect in our life! Here are four effects of delaying your work.
    Delaying one task is like a domino effect, you will delay another task and so on and so on. First, you delay your dishwashing chores. Then when you finish washing your dishes you will feel tired, so you decide to delay working on your paper. In the end of the week, you’ll find that you have so many unfinished task that you should do. It will be very exhausting to do all that stuff in a very short time.
     The second effect of task-delaying habit is it stimulates you to become lazier than before. First, you delay one task. Later, you will feel that it’s ok to delay one more task. At the end of the day you’ll find yourself doing nothing for that day. It’s very dangerous if it becomes a habit.
     Delaying your task will also ruin your scheduled agenda. For example, you must attend your relative’s wedding at Sunday. You have four home works and assignments to do at Wednesday, and it must be collected next Monday. You delay to do that until Saturday, and Sunday morning you don’t finish even one of your assignments. So you don’t come to your relative’s wedding because you don’t finish your assignment yet and you have to finish it soon.
     Last but not least, it will threaten your health condition. Doing so many assignments in only one night makes your head feel dizzy. You’ll feel so tired so the next day you’ll feel not fresh.
     Shortly, delaying your work has no benefit for your life! So, start your engine now, and do what you can do today!

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Why a Baby Cries (By : Anita Eka Puspita)

    Baby is the most fragile human age in the world. He is so cute but so disturbing when he cries. If you don’t know the causes why a baby cries it will be a big problem. There are three reasons why a baby cries in common.
    The first reason why a baby cries is thirsty. He is thirsty so when he want to drink but he can’t say anything, even he tried but no one knows what he means. Try to make a bottle of fresh milk. If the milk is already made for a long time ago, change it! But remember for a mother it’s better for you give your baby your own ASI.
Beside he is thirsty, he also hungry. Not only babies, even adult people are crying If they’re hungry. It’s also suffering for everyone If they’re hungry especially for a baby. Don’t make a hard meal for them. You have to know what is the match food in the match age. Beware don’t make your baby suffering.
    His diaper is uncomfortable. When the diaper is getting wet that’s very uncomfortable. He can’t move well and so annoying. Keep check his diaper as often as you can. Actually a wet diaper is also dangerous. It makes irritation in his “important” area.
            So, those are reasons why a baby cries. It’s easy to take care a baby If we know the causes. Good luck.

The Importance of Planting Trees for Human (By : Aulia Anis)


    Considering to plant some trees in our home environment, can affect some aspects in people life. Actually not only in our home, but also in every free space provide. For example by planting some trees among the main street, and also make such a park and garden full of plants, trees, and flowers. So the effects given by planting trees and gardening including; affect our feeling and mood, build our healthy life, and also can refresh the air circulation around us.
            First of all, the effect that we can felt because of planting trees and gardening is raising our feeling of happiness. We will feel happy, comfort, and piece when we see our garden. Maybe it is because of the beauty shown by the flowers and all those green plants. For example if we have some problem or angry or not in a good mood, we can go to our garden, see the plants and trees, and we will feel that better and calm. Because the beauty can also make our mind free.
            Gardening also can affect and build our healthy life. It because, as we know, trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. By having trees around us, we can guarantee that we have a good quality of oxygen to breath. So our body will be affected also. Beside that it also make us feel good, and it can influence our physical condition too.
            The most important effect given by planting trees is about their role of decreasing pollution. The more trees planted in our society, the more oxygen level we got. If the oxygen level increase, our environment and air will be better to live. Because the oxygen produce not only absorb carbon dioxide, as a human product, but also it can absorb carbon monoxide. Carbon monoxide is produced by vehicle, and this gasses is very dangerous because can cause the global warming. At least, by planting trees we can help to decrease the heat of earth and global warming.
            The discussion above tell us how important plant and trees for human life. As a mood booster and controlling emotion, it is very important. Trees also can make people live healthier. And the most important effect is about the decreasing of global warming. For those reason, let us plant trees, flowers, and plants, at least our home environment.

The Causes of Obesity in Children (By : Rika Tri Ariani)

Nowadays, obesity is not only found in adult but also in children. We can find many children obesity around us especially in the big cities. Basically obesity that suffered in children need to be awarded because it leads to some disadvantages for their future life. Unfortunately, children do not really understand about the serious problem that may are going get in the future because of obesity.  Therefore, parents must take this responsibility to take care their children from the obesity threat. One of things parents need to know is kinds of factor that causes obesity in children. Generally there are three main factors that cause obesity in children is genetics, poor parenting skill and lack knowledge, and life style.
Firstly, factor that can cause obesity in children is genetic. Genetic gives big role in determine that someone can become obese person or not. Parents who already have problem with obesity before them marriage mostly will also have obesity children. Research in Oxford University, Exeter, and Peninsula Medical School finds that genetic really relate to the obesity risk in human body. Genetic factor will be the best answer for parents who said that they have already managed their children food supply and asked to do lot of activities, but their children still have obesity problem. Yet, the genetic factor may not lead to worse effect if parents aware and have enough knowledge about this and how to solve it.
Secondly, poor parenting skill and lack of knowledge that parents have also give big contribution to make their children have obesity problem. Common mistake that parents believe about obesity children are health children because parents feel sad if they have thin children and will fell happy if they have obesity children. That common mistake in society make parents does not aware with the risk of obesity that their children suffer. Moreover, due to the lack of knowledge that parents have, they feed their children excessively by taking thought that eating much food can make child’s body healthier.
The last factor that lead children have obesity body is life style. Nowadays, in the modern era when everything is made in instant time and process, make people life style change. It is happened not only for adult but also for children. The easiest example of the changing life style that relate to the obesity risk is the food consumption. Today, we can find fast food restaurant everywhere. This kinds of restaurant mostly offered junk food than healthy food. Children enjoy having meal in this kind of restaurant because the taste of the food is delicious for them and the restaurants usually provide the many games. On the contrary, research has found that consume junk food for long time or big portion will lead to obesity risk. That is why we can found many obesity children in this modern era than some years ago when parents prefer to feed their children with home food than from fast food restaurant.
There are many factors that cause obesity in children. The obesity condition in growing age like children may lead them toward some diseases in the future. Therefore, parents’ roles to control their children health are really needed. Then, the first thing that parents can do to avoid obesity in their children are recognize some factors that may lead their children in obesity condition such as genetics, poor parenting skill and lack knowledge, and life style. With that knowledge is expected for parents can decrease the number of obesity children in the future.

Classification of Cats (By : Anita Eka Puspita)


     Cat is a cute animal for many people. And some people assume that cat is like a mystic animal. As you know, Spinx. Cat has some types actually. These are three types of cats; race cat, wild cat, and pretty cat.
Race cat is a type cat as we know in common. We see this type very often. There are two kinds of race cat; race cats or pet race cats and outside race cats. Inside race cats or pet race cats are race cats that living in home and cleaner than outside race cats. They usually clean and look fresh. Even outside race cats are not living at home but they are not too dangerous. But keep your healthy when you’re near this type.
Wild cat is also called jungle cat. One of the characteristic is has sharp ear. They are two kinds of jungle cat, serval and karakal. Serval is from Asia and Karakal is from Africa. One of the most popular jungle cat is Lynx.
Pretty cat is the most exclusive cat than others. It also known as competition cat. For example, there are Persian and Anggora. They have Most favorite cats and most expensive.
Those are three types of cats, now we know that cat is also an unique animal. But if you interesting to decide cat as your pet don’t forget to keep them clean. And the most important thing keep yourself and people around you healthy. Enjoy carrying cat.

Manga for Everyone (By : Nadia Maya Ardiani)

Do you like to read manga? Manga, literally means “whimsical drawings’, is popularly known as Japanese comic. It is a part of Japanese culture that already became popular in all over the world. Just like movies, manga also have certain reader’s segmentation. The three main reader’s segmentation are kodomo manga, shoujo manga, and shonen manga.
Kodomo manga is a variety of manga that is directed towards children (both boys and girls). Since it is made especially for children, the story of the manga usually contents educational and moralistic element, for example how to behave good in your life environment. Some kodomo manga even contain school subject such as mathematics and physics, but they are told in the form of comic so children can be easier to understand that subject. Unlike comics for older people, kodomo manga’s story are generally stands alone and not appear in the form of continued serial, in order to appeal more to children. Doraemon and Kobo-chan are two of the most well-known examples for kodomo manga.
The second segmentation is shoujo manga. Shoujo manga is destined for female (girl) readers, approximately between age 10 to 19. Shoujo in Japanese literally means “little female”. Even though  shoujo manga covers many genre (from mystery to sport, from sci-fi to historical drama, etc.), usually it has a strong focus on relationship between boys and girls and it often exposing romantic emotions. In drawing techniques, characters in shojo manga usually have big eyes. The drawing line is so smooth, and when a character is in a happy condition, flowers usually will appear behind them. Some examples for shoujo manga are : Sailor Moon, D.N. Angel, Fushigi Yuugi, Cardcaptor Sakura, Itazura Na Kiss, Neon Genesis Evangelion.
The last segmentation that will be described here is shonen manga. Shonen manga refers to male (boys) audience in the same age range with shoujo manga. It literally means “young person’s comics”. Why it is called ‘young person’, not ‘young male’ just like shoujo did? Maybe it’s because shonen can also be read and liked by girls, unlike shoujo which actually can be read by boys but they tend to dislike the story because it’s too romantic. Shonen manga is usually content high-tension action and comedy. Competition, sport, and fight are most common elements in shonen manga. In drawing techniques, the drawing line is rougher/stronger than in shoujo manga, and it also less flowery than shoujo. Female characters in shonen manga sometimes portrayed sexier than in shoujo manga, like wearing ultra-mini skirt to school, etc. Examples for shonen manga includes : Detective Conan, Fullmetal Alchemist, Inuyasha, One Piece, Bleach, Yakitate!Japan, Death Note.
So now you already know what is kodomo manga, shoujo manga, and shonen manga. Which one do you prefer?

Classification of Shoes ( By : Rika Tri Ariani )

The basic function of shoes actually is to protect the feet while walking, but today the functions of shoes has increased. Shoes not only for protecting feet, but also have become an important accessory to complete and embellish people style. For the result, today people can have more than one pair of the shoes because they buy different shoes for different events. In the store, shoes also divided based these functions which are daily shoes, sport shoes and work shoes.
First, shoes are classified as daily shoes. Daily shoes are type of shoes which have simple design and made for daily activities. This type gives preference in the pleasantness of the consumer. People use daily shoes in school, office and public area such as recreation place. Daily shoes are contains of sandals, cloth shoes and slippers
Next classification of shoes that made special for exercise is called sport shoes. Sport shoes usually produce with plastic or rubber materials because sport shoes must be flexible for all position and full action activity.  Sports shoes may be further sub-divided into basketball shoes, baseball shoes, soccer shoes and football shoes. This type of shoes is used not only by professional athlete but also for amateur athlete even common people.
The last classification of shoes is work shoes. For people who do not really care with appearance and style might use daily shoes for working but mostly people use special shoes for it which called work shoes. Working shoes may be further sub-divided into leather shoes, high heeled shoes, low heeled shoes and flat. If leather shoes and low heeled shoes can used by men and women, but high heeled shoes usually used just by career women. Besides, high heeled shoes also can use for party or even daily activity.
There are some classification of shoes based on the function of activity or event that people are come which divided as daily shoes, sport shoes, and work shoes. After knowing some type of shoes people are expected to buy the proper shoes for the right activity so they can look more matching and stylish. Besides, use proper shoes in activity will decrease exhaustion of feet.

Non-Organic and Organic, Which One Do You Want ? ( By : Aulia Anis)

          There are two kinds of fruit and vegetable now to be consumed in public, non organic and organic, even they both are healthy, yet they have some differences. Everybody know that consuming fruit and vegetable is the best way to stay in health, because of the vitamin and mineral contain in those kind of food that good for us. And now, there is a high quality of fruit and vegetable that come to the society called organic food, which different with the normal food that we usually consumed, called as non-organic. The differences between non-organic and organic are in these ways; the health quality contain, the process of production, and the price.
            Non-organic fruit and vegetable commonly and usually be consumed in society. Actually the phrase non-organic appear when the organic one is invented. Non-organic fruit and vegetable is like other normal food. The vitamin contain is also like usual. But come out news that non-organic food is sometime not as good as normally, because the process of planting. The planter usually use high level of pesticide to kill the microbe or other disturbance animal and it make the pesticide touch the food, and we consume it. It is dangerous for us, if we consume those. Because of the simply way of planting, the price also not really high, and it can easily be consume of society.
            Different  with organic fruit and vegetable that known as high class beverage. Organic found with high technology on it. It become the answer of pesticide problem in non-organic one. Unlike the non-organic organic food considered as healthier food, because it is use the research process. And also because it did not use any danger chemical, like pesticide, but they all hundred percent use organic material that less danger and more healthy. Because of the complex process, they also need high cost of production. That’s why the price of organic fruit and vegetable also more expensive than non-organic one. It seem that for better, even best quality and product, people need to pay more for the consumption price.
            Based on the paragraphs about now we know about two kinds of planting food, fruit and vegetable, non-organic and organic. We also know about how different non-organic and organic fruit-vegetable are. Actually it does not mean that non-organic is not good enough, but we can choose the better one for us. If you do not have enough money still you can consume the non-organic one but do not forget to wash and clean them before consuming to lose the footprint of pesticide as dangerous chemical. In fact all kind of fruit and vegetable is good for our health and give a lot  of benefits for us.

Hello Everyone!

          Hello everybody! Welcome to our blog! This blog is made to fulfill our final project assignment for Basic Essay Writing in Mr. David Segoh's class. Our team consists of   Nadia Maya Ardiani (120912092), Aulia Anis (120912130), Rika Tri Ariani (120912132), and Anita Eka Puspita (120912170). Here we will present three types of essay that is made by each of us--classification essay, comparison-contrast essay, and cause-effect essay. Hope you will enjoy them, and thank you for the visit! :D